
We – Andreas BertschBeat BrändliPatrick Bonzanigo, Christoph Peter and Sandra Marmy-Brändli – are a group of independent attorneys-at-law operating out of a common office under the name «Schiffbau Rechtsanwälte». Each attorney conducts his mandates on his own responsibility.

We are all attorneys-at-law with a broad background in business law and assist our clients both with legal advice and in legal proceedings. With our different professional focuses and a shared interest for precise and efficient legal work, we create synergies and can provide advice that extends beyond narrow legal areas. Upon request we can undertake specific projects as a team and, when necessary, cooperate with external experts and attorneys-at-law with whom we have established relationships.

We work in German, English, French, Italian and Portuguese and can thus represent our clients in a variety of languages. In international cases we can activate our personal network of lawyers in adequately sized law firms abroad, who share our commitment to the needs of our clients and to pragmatic solutions. We value a personalized and agile mandate handling, which considers also economic, strategic and communication aspects at an early stage. We strive to devise creative and efficient solutions in cooperation with our clients. If disputes arise, we advise our clients on ways to minimize risks and avoid litigation. We regularly contribute to timely resolutions of disputes through negotiations. However, we are not afraid to litigate when needed to enforce the rights of our clients. Along with our legal practice we are also involved in teaching, as experts or in committees and institutions and are regularly engaged as speakers in our preferred areas of the law.

Fields of Activity

Our clientele is diverse. Our services are aimed at entrepreneurs, private and public entities, authorities as well as individuals from Switzerland and abroad. We represent and advise start-ups as well as established businesses, investors, families, companies, shareholders and corporate bodies, developers and building owners, planners, architects, engineers and constructors, landlords and tenants, employers and employees, creative professionals, artists and cultural institutions.

Our main expertise is in the following fields:

  • Contract, Trade and Competition Law
  • Corporate and Financial Markets Law
  • Business Criminal Law
  • Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings
  • Insolvency and Reorganization Proceedings
  • Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Restructurings
  • Real Estate, Planning, Building and Environmental Law
  • Public Procurement
  • Technology, Intellectual Property and Data Protection Law
  • Media and Art Law
  • Succession Planning and Inheritance Law
  • Conducting Proceedings before Administrative Authorities and Courts (including International Judicial and Administrative Assistance)
  • Litigation and Arbitration


Andreas Bertsch, Attorney-at-law
lic. iur. HSG, LLM

During his studies at the Universität St. Gallen HSG Andreas Bertsch worked as academic assistant to Prof. Dr. Alfred Koller. He graduated in 1993. Thereafter he clerked at the then District Courts of Alttoggenburg and Wil. He was admitted to the St. Gallen Bar in 1995 and was employed as attorney in the law firm Schoch Auer in St. Gallen. In 1997 he earned the LL.M. degree with specialisation in international trade law and in European law at the University of Essex. From 1997 to 2001 he worked as an attorney with the law firm Nobel & Hug. Andreas Bertsch is an independent attorney-at-law in Zurich since 2002.

Preferred Fields of Activity

Consultancy for entrepreneurs and enterprises (in particular «start-ups» as well as small and medium-sized businesses); e.g. incorporation, contract negotiations, employment and rental matters, protection of intellectual property, data protection, competition issues and public procurements; M&A transactions (purchases and sales of businesses, corporate restructurings); planning and building law.


German, English and French


Zurich Bar Association and Swiss Bar Association

Beat Brändli, Attorney-at-law
Prof. Dr. iur. HSG

Beat Brändli studied law and economics at the University of St. Gallen with an exchange semester at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and completed his Master’s degree in 2009 (M.A. HSG in Law and Economics / lic. iur. oec.). Between the Bachelor (B.A. HSG in Law and Economics) and the Master studies he graduated from the Swiss Army Officer School in Emmen and received a certificate in leadership recognized in civil life as well. He then worked in Schaumburg and Chicago (USA) for a large Swiss insurance company in project management. During his Master studies in St. Gallen, he worked part-time for a listed company as a legal advisor to the investment management. Subsequently, he completed his doctorate and was an assistant to Prof. Dr. Peter Nobel at the Universities of St. Gallen and Zurich.

He completed his legal internship at the Commercial Court of Aargau and at a Zurich commercial law firm. He also worked as an extraordinary clerk at the Superior Court of the Canton of Aargau. He was admitted to the bar at the end of 2013. From the beginning of 2014 until the beginning of 2016, he worked as a lawyer in a renowned Zurich commercial law firm. On February 2016, he was appointed Assistant Professor for Business Law, with focus on Corporate Law, at the University of St. Gallen. From August 2019 to July 2020, he also held the Chair of International Business Law and Law & Economics at the University of St. Gallen. At the beginning of 2018, he was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School in Cambridge (USA); in the fall of 2019, he was invited to be a Visiting Professor at Insper University in São Paulo (Brazil). To date, he teaches as a lecturer at various Swiss and foreign universities and colleges and regularly publishes on business law topics (see list of publications).

At the end of March 2022, he was appointed by the University of St. Gallen as a Privatdozent (PD) in Commercial Law, Law of Civil Procedure and Law & Economics as of August 1, 2022. At the end of June 2022, he was appointed as a Full Professor at ZLS Zurich Law School. In December 2022, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland awarded him the title of Professor in the field of private law. He is also an editor of Weblaw’s digital case law commentary in the areas of corporate law, financial market law and law of civil procedure (dRSK).

Since 2017, he has been a part-time district judge at the District Court of Baden. In this function, he is directly elected by the people (district of Baden) and thereby officiates in major civil and criminal cases.

Preferred Fields of Activity

Corporate and commercial law (in particular also accounting and auditing law as well as law of associations and foundations); contract law and M&A transactions; financial market law; white collar crime; succession planning incl. inheritance law.


German, English, Portuguese and French


Zurich Bar Association and Swiss Bar Association

Patrick Bonzanigo, Attorney-at-law
lic. iur., MAS ETH in Spatial Planning

After completing his law studies at the University of Basel (lic. iur. 1997) and subsequent art studies at Schule für Gestaltung Basel, Patrick Bonzanigo initially worked as a scientific assistant and as a legal intern at Nobel & Hug Rechtsanwälte, a business law firm based in Zurich, and then at the Basel law firm Delbrück & Schnyder. Having been admitted to the Zurich bar (2002), he practiced as an attorney at Ritter & Schwaibold Rechtsanwälte (2003-2010, Partner since 2007) and as a consultant in the field of planning (2011-2012) in Zurich, until he joined the internationally oriented law firm Bolla Bonzanigo & Associati in Lugano at the end of 2012.

Over the years and based on a wide-ranging practice as a business attorney in different legal contexts and language areas he developed a focus on advising for businesses in contractual and regulatory matters, transactions, planning and real estate matters. Parallel to his professional activity, in 2015-17 he obtained a Master of Advanced Studies in Spatial Planning at ETH Zurich (spatial planner MAS RP ETH, 2017) and then directed the postgraduate programs (MAS, DAS and CAS) in Spatial Planning and served as a lecturer at ETH Zurich from the end of 2018 to 2021. Patrick Bonzanigo also has experience in various parts of the country as a member of expert boards, competition juries and institutions in the fields of planning, urban design and cultural heritage and is involved in different panels and organizations in these areas. He has a teaching assignment on law and design at ETH Zurich and is a regular speaker on topics at the intersection of planning, urban design and law.

Preferred Fields of Activity

Planning, construction and real estate matters; M&A and real estate transactions; corporate, commercial and contract law; technology, intellectual property and data protection law; public procurement; insolvency proceedings, reorganizations and restructurings; legal proceedings before public authorities and state courts; arbitration.


German, English, French, Italian and Portuguese


Zurich Bar Association and Swiss Bar Association

Christoph Peter, Attorney-at-law
Dr. iur., LL.M.

After graduating from the University of Zurich in 1985, Christoph Peter first worked for one year at a Swiss District Court (1986/87). He then joined the law firm Nobel & Hug in Zurich and was admitted to the bar in 1988. In 1991, his doctoral thesis on aspects of insider trading was accepted by Prof. Dr. Niklaus Schmid at the University of Zurich, and in 1994 he obtained the academic degree of «Master of Laws in European Legal Studies» (LL.M.) from the University of Exeter (UK). Until the end of 2021, he worked in the law firm Nobel & Hug for a total of almost 35 years (from 1997 as a partner).

Since 2000, Christoph Peter has been a regular lecturer at the University of Zurich on the topics of «Financial Criminal Law» as well as «International Mutual Judicial Assistance» in the LLM program «International Business Law». From 2005 to 2011, he was also a lecturer on international mutual administrative and judicial assistance at the University of St. Gallen HSG.

For more than 20 years, Christoph Peter has also served as Secretary of the Board of the Lemann Foundation (with registered offices in Zurich), which was founded in 2001 and strives to guarantee access to quality public education for Brazilian children and youth of all backgrounds and to support the development of leaders committed to social change in Brazil.

He has extensive experience in domestic and international transactions and disputes.

Preferred Fields of Activity

Legal issues in the areas of corporate law, white-collar crime, financial market supervision, capital markets, M&A, inheritance law and international mutual administrative and judicial assistance.


German, English, Portuguese and French


Zurich Bar Association and Swiss Bar Association

Sandra Marmy-Brändli, Attorney-at-law
Dr. iur.

Sandra Marmy-Brändli advises companies and private individuals in all areas of commercial law with a special focus on intellectual property, media, IT and data protection law. She clerked at the District Court of Muri (Aargau), at Baker McKenzie in Zurich and at WilmerHale in London. After being admitted to the bar (2017), she worked as an attorney at Baker McKenzie Zurich from 2018 to 2024.

Sandra Marmy-Brändli studied at the University of St. Gallen and the Fundaçao Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Sao Paulo (M.A. HSG in Law and Economics 2011). During her studies, she was a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin and Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiser. After a research stay at the University of Oxford (UK), she received her doctorate in 2017 for her thesis «Die Flexibilität urheberrechtlicher Schrankensysteme – Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung am Beispiel digitaler Herausforderungen» (the flexibility of copyright exception systems – a comparative legal analysis using the example of digital challenges). She regularly speaks on intellectual property law topics at conferences and publishes in these areas (see list of publications).

Preferred Fields of Activity

Commercial law with a special focus on intellectual property and contract law, unfair competition law, media, IT and data protection law.


German, English and French


Zurich Bar Association, Swiss Bar Association, Institute for Intellectual Property Law (INGRES), Swiss Forum for Communications Law (SF-FS), Swiss IT Lawyers

Dario Sutter, Lawyer
M.A. HSG in Law and Economics

Dario Sutter studied Law and Economics at the University of St. Gallen and completed his Master’s degree in 2018. From 2016 to 2020, he worked at the University of St. Gallen as a research assistant to PD Dr. Beat Brändli and Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Sester. In 2018, Dario Sutter started his doctoral studies in law with a research work in the field of family offices, foundations, and trusts. In addition to his work as a jurist, he is a lecturer at a vocational school.


German, English and French

Noemi Christen, Trainee and research assistant
B.A. in Law

Noemi Christen is expected to complete her Master’s degree at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bern in the spring semester of 2023. Alongside her studies, she has gained her first practical experience at the law firm Jusonline AG in Berne. As a Family Representative, Noemi Christen has been a member of a foundation in Basel since 2021.


German, English und French

Annina Schmid, Trainee and research assistant
B.A. in Law

Annina Schmid is expected to complete her Master’s degree in law at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in summer 2025. During her studies, she has already gained practical experience in the areas of tax and procedural law in the cantonal legal service. In addition to her studies, she is a board member of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) St. Gallen.

Tim Fuchs, Trainee and research assistant
BSc in Business Law

Tim Fuchs initially completed a business traineeship at a notary’s office in Zurich. In summer 2022, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Law at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW and has since been studying law at the University of Lucerne. Throughout a large part of his studies, among other places, he worked at the Commercial Register Office of Zurich.


Schiffbau Rechtsanwälte
Schiffbaustrasse 7
CH-8005 Zurich
Facsimile: +41 (0) 44 501 18 82

Andreas Bertsch
lic. iur. HSG, LL.M, Attorney-at-law

Phone +41 (0) 44 501 17 46

Beat Brändli
Prof. Dr. iur. HSG, Attorney-at-law
Phone +41 (0) 44 501 18 66

Patrick Bonzanigo
lic. iur., MAS SP ETH, Attorney-at-law
Phone +41 (0) 44 501 18 89

Christoph Peter
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-law
Phone +41 (0) 44 271 51 53

Sandra Marmy-Brändli
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-law
Tel. +41 (0) 44 501 17 07

How to get to us

The «Zurich Hardbrücke» train station (direct connections to Zurich airport) or the «Schiffbau» stop (tram lines 4 or 8 and bus lines 33 or 72) are only a few minutes’ walk from our offices. One parking space is available at Schiffbaustrasse 7. Further parking can be found in the neighbouring parking garages (e.g. «Pfingstweid», Pfingstweidstrasse 1, or «Puls 5» on Technoparkstrasse).